THE Heart of Stars Lasgush Poradeci

Ylli i Zemrës Lasgush Poradeci

Lasgush Poradeci is a very famous poet and songwriter. Llazar Sotir Gusho known under the pseudonym Lasgush Poradeci was an Albanian poet.
After finishing primary school in Pogradec, Lasgushi’s father, who was a patriot and educator, sent him at the age of 9 to continue his studies at the Romanian Lyceum in Bitola (Bitola). With the outbreak of World War I the Lyceum was closed and he returned in 1915 to Pogradec leaving the Lyceum unfinished. The father who could not see his son without school sent him to Athens, and he enrolled in a French Lice. There he contracted a lung disease and for two years he was hospitalized in the sanatorium “Sotiria”. He did not finish high school again. In 1921 he went to Bucharest (Romania) to continue his studies, but was left without a scholarship and without any assistance, so he was forced to work and study at the same time. patriotic movement of the albanian colony, befriended Asdren and other albanian patriots and was also elected general secretary of the colony.In Romania, passing the exams he received the bacalaureate in Silistra.In the summer of 1924 the Government of Fan Noli gave him a scholarship and he enrolled at the University of Graz (Austria) at Karol Francik University and in 1934 completed his higher studies in Graz (Austria) at the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology and earned the title of Doctor-Professor, in contrast to the Renaissance poets, who despite their originality had common features, prominent poets of the period of Independence Noli, Fishta, Poradeci, Migjeni, are completely different from each other in terms of formation, their tendency, and int heresies and intentions.
Lasgush Poradeci lived the Renaissance in the period of the outbreak of the great uprisings for freedom. In the work of this last romantic of our literature lived the patriotic concern for the protection of the nation and the tradition of the Renaissance, as well as the desire for the triumph of democratic views, the concern for a general cultural and spiritual emancipation of Albanian society. He is one of our greatest lyricists, who was distinguished for the sensitivity and poetic sweetness with which he sang to Albania and love.
September of Lasgush Poradec
In 1933, his first volume, The Dance of the Stars, was published, and in 1937, his second volume, The Star of the Heart, was published. After the Second World War Lasgush Poradeci did not continue his creative activity. Because he wanted the poems he wrote to remain unaffected, he wrote, among other things, the poems “Socrates’ Theological Excursion”, “On Them”, “Kamadeva”, the ballads about Muharrem by Resh Çollaku. He also translated some of the masterpieces of world literature such as Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”, the lyrics of Lermontov, the Bloc, the Poems of Haynes, Mayakovsky and Mickiewicz, the lyrics of Goethe and Haynes, the poems of Lanau, Brecht; Hygo, Myses, Byron, Shell, Burns, Eminescu, etc.
Lasgush Poradeci leaves behind a beautiful creativity, which had won the heart of the reader and had attracted the attention of some prominent scholars of our culture such as Eqerem Çabej, Skënder Luarasi, Mitrush Kuteli, Sabri Hamiti, Ismail Kadare, Rexhep Ismajli, etc. As a prominent personality and true poet he never subjected his art to the demands and goals of dictatorship. For this reason he was left in a dire economic situation and almost forgotten by the official press. Only in 1989 could his complete work be published. We must say with conviction and pride that the name of Lasgush Poradec is an honor for the Albanian nation.