November 22, 2021

    The Highland Lute Poem by Gjergj Fishta

    Lahuta e Malsisë nga Gjergj Fishta Lexo ketu Malcís’s epic Lahuta describes the wars of two generations, but her songs…
    May 4, 2021

    Barack Obama The Audacity of Hope

    Guximi per te shpresuar, Barack Obama Lexo ketu “No American leader, since President John F. Kennedy’s Profile Profile Courage, has…
    June 28, 2023

    White of Temal by Pashko Vasa

    “Bardha e Temal” is a love novel, but at the same time it is also a reflection of the Albanian…
    April 23, 2021

    Songs of Milosaos Jeronim de Rada

    Kenget e Milosaos Jeronim de Rada Lexo ketu “Songs of Milosao” focuses on the love of two young people, which…
    November 6, 2021

    Miss.Benz Jill Alexander Essbaum

    Zonja Benz Jill Alexander Essbaum
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