Edmond Tupja When pain promises love

Edmond Tupja Kur dhimbja premton dashuri

You have given a new meaning to my life, I learned from you to understand the other, to defeat myself, my ego, whenever this is necessary. I learned to give up many things in the name of the love I nurture for you, to love you even when you hit me, even when you scratch me, that is, even when you punish and punish me with violence. I learned to fight differently, even when I know I will not win, I learned to see, hear, smell and touch the world with your eyes, ears, nose and hand and, thus, understand it by filtering it through the consciousness of the other, especially when the other is You! ”
You are happy parents, believe me on this! Without putting yourself in my place for a moment: how would you feel if you had an autistic child like my Gess’s work, perhaps in even worse condition, a child with no future, with no vital security after the death of his parents since the state and the Albanian society are unable to take them in full charge?