Iliad – Homer

Iliada – Homeri

The events of the Iliad are set in the last year of the Trojan War. The legendary conflict forms the background for the central subject of history: the wrath of the Greek hero, Achilles.n A characteristic feature of Greek mythology is that it was dominated by heroes and heroic stories. This makes it unique among world mythologies. In most mythologies, heroes are either commonplace or completely absent. The superior position of Homeric poems in Greek literature is related to this, although we are not in an area where we can find a simple cause-and-effect relationship. Replacing the great, the vague and the cruel with the human image and the human level is, perhaps, the most fundamental achievement and will last longer than all the achievements of Greece, both in literature and in art. In the Iliad this achievement appears already completed. Let us take the first verse of the Iliad: Mhninaeide, Jea, Õhlhiadew AcilhoV, which we are accustomed to translate thus: Chante déesse, la colèred Achille, fils de Plélée (Sing goddess, wrath of Achilles, son of Peleu). There is no word here that has been properly translated, except for Achilles.nMhniV does not mean anger, but obsessive thought, as evidenced by the words of the same family: menw mania, in Greek; maneo, in Latin, etc., which all express the idea of stopping, of sustainability. Finally, mhniV is preserved in northern Albanian where it means rancune. Anger and resentment do not have the same value; I would even dare to say that both feelings are diametrically opposed, the first is characterized by rudeness and brevity, the second by perseverance and perseverance. Achilles’ anger had lasted long enough to call him anger; do not doubt good Hellenists that it was the rage that brente.nnFAIK KONICAnnHomeric poems The Iliad and the Odyssey s are but chronicles of two displacements. The first, a movement of peoples, bodily, brutally towards the East (Iliad), the second, a solitary, fine, moreover, spiritual movement, towards the West (Odyssey) .nnISMAIL KADARE
The events of the “Iliad” are set in the last year of the Trojan War. The legendary conflict forms the background for the central subject of history: the wrath of the Greek hero, Achilles. A characteristic feature of Greek mythology is that it was dominated by heroes and heroic stories. This makes it unique among world mythologies.
In most mythologies, heroes are either commonplace or completely absent. The superior position of Homeric poems in Greek literature is related to this, although we are not in an area where we can find a simple cause-and-effect relationship.
Replacing the majestic, the vague and the cruel with the human image and the human level is, perhaps, the most fundamental and lasting achievement of all the achievements of Greece, both in literature and in art. In the “Iliad” this achievement appears already completed.