Ben Blushi Albania

Ben Blushi Shqiperia

Ben Blushi, as a writer with his first novel and surprise “Living on the island” shocked the Albanian literary scene. Tens of thousands of copies sold, an unprecedented debate in the media and literary circles made Ben Blushi the writer with the largest number of copies sold over the last 20 years.But not only that.The surprise in style, in the construction of the narrative, in the structure of the whole work in his novels was perhaps the contribution to a return to the taste of literature in these times when rhythm and stress of our time take the reader away from the book and even more so from literature.These are probably the two factors of what can today be called with conviction: Ben Blushi is already a literary event. “Living on the island”, “Otello, the Arab i Vlora “and the new novel” Albania “are a complete triptych of a new talent of Albanian literature and also a cultural phenomenon that deserves to cross the borders of the Albanian space in the next decade, giving us another international Albanian writer tar.