The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov

Mjeshtri dhe Margarita

“The Master and Margarita” in the Stalinist-era Soviet Union could be clandestinely distributed in the manuscript to Bulgakov’s close circle of friends. It was published in book format only twenty-six years after his death.
This masterpiece is considered a complex, intricate and shocking novel. The allegorical to detailed description of human drama shifts the reader between two parallel worlds. Having experienced shocking emotions he finds it difficult to distinguish between what is false and true.
This agitation of sensations while reading leaves no room for a personal choice, but dictates the reader to go to this “theater” to the last page accompanied by numerous dilemmas and difficulties to make the right choice between the material world and that ideal, between earthly life and hope for the future, the joy of rebirth or sorrow after a difficult and hopeless life.
Demonic intrigue, many smokescreens …, biting satire, this is Bulgakov’s language which makes us reflect on people, the danger posed by the influence of manipulators and charlatans in a certain social group.
This book leads the individual to a sad and hopeless relationship, where he has to struggle to resurrect himself, in the face of a world built on infidelity and lost love.