Dostoevsky White Nights

Dostojevski Net te Bardha

So what kind of person are you? Faster – start, tell your story. – History! – I shouted scared, – “history! Who told you that I have a story of my own? I have no history … – How did you live when you have no history? – he interrupted me laughing. – I have no history at all. I lived, as it is said by us, completely separated from the herd, that is, the very beginnings … Alone, alone at all … Do you understand what being alone means at all? – What, all right? alone? So you have never seen anyone? -Oh no, to see, I have seen – and yet I am alone.— But you do not speak, do you, with anyone? But who are you, explain! – Be silent and listen.First of all, I am making a condition: do not wait for my word, otherwise, I believe I will be confused.So listen wisely.