August 10, 2022
Hermann Hesse Siddhartha
Herman Hese Siddhartha Kliko ketu Although it is about a place and time very far from the Germany of 1922,…
April 24, 2021
Delvina Kërluku Trace
Delvina Kërluku Gjurme Lexo ketu Tonight I sail with the ship without sail and without mast;I was swept away by…
April 23, 2021
Don Quixote of Mancha by Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
Don Kishoti i Mançës nga Miguel De Cervantes Saavedr Lexo ketu On the book… Don Quixote’s journey is not a…
April 25, 2021
Albatros Rexhaj In search of an exit
Albatros Rexhaj Ne kerkim te daljes Lexo ketu Policeman: Then it falls to us, if we remember how we got…
March 25, 2024
The Traveler and His Shadow Friedrich Nietzsche
April 24, 2021
Love in Paris Danielle Steell
Dashuri ne Paris Danielle Steell Lexo ketu As president of a large pharmaceutical company, Peter Haskell has everything a man…